About different treatments


Weight Loss :

Weight loss is a decrease in body weight or total body mass due to loss of weight of your muscles, bones, fat and body fluids. Weight loss and maintaining correct weight is a condition of good health. It can be achieved through good diet, regular exercise and lifestyle. Healthy weight is important for health as it lowers the risk of several health problems like stroke, diabetes, obesity etc. Heavy weight is the most common problem now days, everyone is trying to remove unwanted fats and to look fit and healthy. Healthy weight improves self esteem and confidence. One can control the unwanted fat by following few methods like
Figure correction- Along with weight loss, people wants to get perfect shape to their body and opting figure correction process. Figure correction focuses on toning the body like abdomen and hips.
Body shaping- Body shaping is the process of controlling fatty deposits, cellulite, wrinkles and dimples. Body shaping involves non invasive Lipolysis and accent. It can used anywhere on the body. Body shaping helps to tighten sagging skin, removes stubborn cellulite from parts of our body, removes fine lines, wrinkles and gives naturally radiant skin.
Single sitting- In single sitting treatment fat cells in our body are burned and are flushed out by our immune system using most advanced techniques using high technology.
Inch loss- Abdomen is the first place, where the excess fat is deposited, it is very difficult to control the belly fat. One can burn the stubborn belly fat with the help of inch loss treatment.
Cool sculpting- Cool sculpting is a process mostly used technique in the world. Cryolipolysis is the technology used in cool sculpting. It uses controlled cooling to effectively eliminate stubborn fat underneath the skin. It is a proven and fat freezing treatment.

Hair Loss & Hair Regrowth :

Hair is an important part of our overall appearance, it enhances the personality of both men and women. Hair fall is the most common, but serious problem faced by most of us due to lifestyle, hereditary and diseases. Healthy hair and hairstyle improves your look and self esteem. Many treatments are available to control the hair fall and to promote regrowth.
Anti hair fall- Anti hair fall treatment like advanced hair care therapy helps to stop hair fall by strengthening roots, impurities on head are cleaned and conditioning hair and scalp.
Anti dandruff- Dandruff is the main cause of hair fall as it is a scalp problem. Anti dandruff treatment helps to increase oxygen supply, opens the pores, promotes hair growth.
Hair smoothing therapy- Hair smoothing therapy helps to transform your hair into manageable and smooth. This helps to control hair fall and gives smooth, glowing hair.
Hair spa- Hair spa is very important for healthy hair and growth. Hair spa nourishes the hair and makes your hair strong, bouncy and shiny, improves strength and volume. It normalizes oil secretion, removes impurities from hair, revitalizes the scalp, repairs damaged hair and promotes regrowth.

Skin Brightening Treatment :

Skin brightening is a cosmetic treatment which involves in restructuring of skin tissues to lighten and to improve skin tone. It is a safe solution. It control concentration of melanin. Treatment removes the dark spots, pimples, pigmentation and wrinkles. Skin brightening treatment nourishes the skin, gives smooth, fresh and vibrant skin.
Peels- Peels is used to improve the skin appearance, in this process a chemical solution is applied on the skin which causes. It to blister and eventually peels off. It stimulates the growth of new cells which, the new skin is smoother and radiant than the old skin. There are three types of chemical peels available, they are superficial peel, medium peel and deep peel.
Acne – It is the bacterial infection inside the pores which causes whiteheads, blackheads and pimples. Anti acne treatment removes blackheads, whiteheads and also helps to treat enlarged pores and oily skin.
Pigmentation- Pigmentation is a condition where skin in some places turn black and darker in colour. Pigmentation treatment helps to lighten scars, pigmentation and black spots. Common pigmentation related problems are tan, melasma and freckles.
Anti tan- Tanning is the process where colour of the skin becomes dark and tanned. Tanning is also called sun tanning as tanning is a result of exposure to UV radiations from sun. Anti tan treatment removes dead skin cells and deposited melanin. Gives even skin tone and makes skin look fair, fresh and healthy.
Skin colour improvement- Skin colour is the most important and noticeable part in our skin. Skin colour improvement programme helps to improve colour of any part of our body. Fresh, fair and glowing skin is the dream of both men and women, skin colour improvement treatment helps them to fulfil their dream.
Skin polishing- Skin polishing refers to removal of dead skin cells and stimulation of production of new skin cells on the skin. Skin polishing uses microdermabrasion to control the damage of skin. With the help of this process skin becomes smoother, brighter and softer.

About Teja’s

Teja slimming and cosmetic clinic provides wide range of services like slimming services, weight loss services and figure correction. It offers various treatments for hair (anti hair fall, anti dandruff, hair spa, hair smoothing therapy etc), skin (skin brightening treatments, peels, acne, pigmentation, anti tan, skin polishing etc) and beauty. Teja uses advanced technologies to provide services for skin, hair and weight management, aims at client’s satisfaction and safety. With highly skilled and experienced staff, Teja slimming and cosmetic clinic offers several customised treatments and long lasting solutions. It provides weight loss treatments (figure correction, body shaping, single sitting, inch loss and cool sculpting) which help clients to control of stubborn body fat, to maintain healthy weight and good physic.

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